
The Future of Brand Management: Insights, AI, and the New Rules of Connecting with Consumers

Written by Blake Vita | June 29, 2023 at 5:31 PM

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, brand management has become a dynamic and multifaceted discipline. The ability to capture insightful consumer trends and effectively operationalize them is key to staying relevant and successful.

In this week's episode of the Generation Influence podcast, Bill sat down with Pete Blackshaw, CEO of Cintrifuse, to discuss the future of brand management through key insights, AI, and consumer engagement.

Brand Management Insights: Harnessing Intuition and Expertise & AI

The conversation leads with a fantastic insight from Pete around "nailing the insight" and having the capability to scale a business. While experienced professionals bring expertise and operational know-how, it is often the younger generation that possesses intuitive insights into emerging trends.

These digital natives, fluent in the language of social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, have a unique understanding of their generation's context. Their fresh perspectives can provide invaluable insights that traditional agencies may struggle to match. Recognizing and leveraging these insights is crucial for brand management in today's fast-paced world.

Additionally, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) brings a new dimension to brand management. AI tools, such as ChatGPT, can assist in validating and operationalizing ideas, bridging the gap between intuition and execution. By using AI to write business plans, map customer segments, and analyze market potential, entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights and significantly reduce costs.

The access to AI tools could potentially level the playing field for diverse founders, revolutionizing startup growth and fostering greater diversity and inclusion in the business world.

The Idea Bank: Unleashing Brilliant Concepts

One intriguing concept discussed in the conversation is the idea of an "Idea Bank." This innovative model involves capturing brilliant ideas from young ideators, validating them, and offering them to more experienced founders.

By creating a marketplace for ideas, these concepts can be given a chance to thrive, rather than languishing on the cutting room floor. The originators would receive compensation, ensuring a flywheel of innovation and incentivizing future contributions. 

Additionally, this ties into the need for humility in the face of rapid change. The younger generation, adept at leveraging social media and data-driven marketing, possesses a unique skill set that can sometimes surpass that of experienced professionals. Brand managers and leaders must embrace this humility and recognize the brilliance and potential in those who speak the language of the digital age. By collaborating and learning from the next generation, we can adapt to the evolving business landscape and find new avenues for success.

Sharing insights, experiences, and strategies is vital for bridging the gap between different generations and staying relevant in the digital era.

The New Rules of Consumer Engagement

Optimal consumer engagement strategies are always developing, and are almost impossible to truly master.  There were two callouts around consumer engagement that REALLY hit the nail on the head when it comes to key insights that marketers can apply to their initiatives

  • Consumers don't expect you to be perfect, but they do expect you to be transparent.
  • Feedback is the best currency for relationship marketing

We won't reiterate every word, but let's just say that this section of the podcast (starting at 9:36) is a MUST-LISTEN for brands looking to up their consumer engagement game, or if they're experiencing issues with negative feedback and are struggling to figure out the best path forward.

Do yourself a favor and have a listen to the full podcast and let us know what you think in the YouTube comments.