
Amazon Gift Guide: A Little Something For Everyone This Holiday Season

Written by Kaila Stein | November 18, 2019 at 5:00 AM

Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday have officially kicked off the holiday shopping season, the team is tinkering away in our workshop to make sure brands and creators are getting all the benefits of  themost wonderful time of year. Amazon is off and running promoting their holiday gift guides, and we are happy to say that the whole community is taking part in these merry ecommerce happenings.

We’ve been closely working with Amazon on their gift guide again this year and we’re excited to share these amazing pieces of content. Several of our leading tech creators have been partnering with Amazon and Bose to help recommend the right product for everyone on your shopping list.  Check out the custom landing page within the Electronics Gift Guide to find the perfect sound system to blast your holiday music.  Fuel your next family dance party with this review of the Bose SoundTouch 30 Wireless Music System.

Danny Winget is taking a different spin on must-have tech items with Amazon and their Smart Home Gift Guide.  This will give shoppers the inside scoop on his favorite tech gifts to make everyday home products that much better.  Greet your party guests in style with Danny’s recommendation of the Ring Video Doorbell Pro. Leave it to our main tech guy to show you how simple answering a door can be.

New features for creators to take advantage of this shopping season

We’re giving presents our creators a little early this year…in the form of a few platform enhancements.

Amazon Video Short Distribution

We’re taking sync to the next level just in time for you to syndicate all of your content to Amazon Video Shorts. You can now not only get the affiliate links for the products you feature in your videos  but also  syndicate that video to be featured on Amazon Video Shorts.

This means that as consumers search for items on Amazon, your videos will be featured in the Related Videos Section of the product pages. It doesn’t stop there – as an added bonus, you’ll earn the pre-roll revenue for any ads run before it. With this new feature, the community can grow their audience and build their own brand, beyond their YouTube channel. For brands, these influencer videos can play a role in building additional brand awareness, driving consideration and lifting sales.

Act fast so that you can get all of your seasonal content live!

Need some inspiration for your next YouTube video? The holiday shopping season is one of the busiest times of the year, allowing for great exposure of creators own personal brand and engaging content.  We are now giving our creators an inside look at what people are shopping for during the holidays. By using the platform you can log into your account and be inspired by these consumer trends and create related content. For video inspiration on popular holiday topics, head to your dashboard and use the “Trending on Amazon” feature. There, you’ll  get an inside look at the top-rated products from among the thousands that people are shopping for on Amazon right now. It’s a great way to stay ahead of the competition by knowing what types of videos their subscribers are looking for.

Public Offers Page

It’s the season of giving! Give the gift of sponsorship opportunities  to your fellow YouTube friends. We’ve always taken a community-first approach to our platform for creators and we’re enhancing this by allowing anyone to share what sponsorship programs can offer to creators. Through the redesigned Offers Page, where creators can apply to various brand sponsored campaigns, members can now tweet, post, pin and share any brand campaigns that they are interested in. By sharing these offers they can express their passion for brands and products of interest. If they see an offer not right for them, they can share it with a YouTube friend who may be a great fit instead.

As always, is constantly making platform and tool enhancements to help place creators and clients in front of more consumers. Don’t miss out and try our new tools – just in time for the upcoming holiday shopping season!

What are you doing to maximize your efforts this holiday season?